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J Bruce Mckinney Scholarship

Apply for the J. Bruce McKinney Scholarship

By Admin, 08/14/24, 10:15AM EDT


Hockey should be for everyone, not just those who can afford it.

It is no secret that youth sports, and hockey in particular have increased in price.  We at Hershey do not want any player to be denied the chance to play because of finances.  So in an effort to assist with this, we have the J. Bruce McKinney Scholarship fund to offer financial assistance to families.  Scholarships must be applied for and are based solely on a financial need basis.  Applications must be submitted to Jake Thomas by August 31.  Application form is listed below.

J. Bruce McKinney Scholarship Fund

About Scholarship Fund

Through the kindness of J. Bruce McKinney and other donors, the Hershey Jr. Bears Organization is able to offer limited financial assistance to families who are experiencing financial difficulty. Scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of financial need. The
identity and the financial information of all applicants will be strictly protected. Application forms may be accessed on our website. Please note: ALL Scholarship Fund applications must
be received by August 31, 2024. No applications will be accepted after August 31st. Applications are available by emailing HJB board member Jake Thomas.

Jake Thomas

J. Bruce McKinney Scholarship Fund